There was a day he started shrinking.
Not little by little but suddenly sinking.
No preparation, not even a sign.
In less than ten seconds; only nine.
Six foot two with muscles all over.
As strong and robust as the white cliffs of Dover.
All macho and tough; a beater of women.
Violently angry and constantly sinning.
At first, a piercing squealing sound.
And nine seconds later; he’d dropped to the ground.
Terrified, trying to find his breathing,
Frantically scrambling and constantly wheezing.
Crawling from under a pile of clothes,
Using all of his fingers and toes.
He pushed his head out into the air.
The room was vast: his new everywhere.
He was two inches tall; his little heart fluttered.
He tried to call out but only stuttered.
A squeaky staccato lost in this space.
In the frontier-land lounge: this enormous place.
Naked next to his old underwear.
Inside one shoe; the left of the pair
He clambered over and on to the floor.
As his giant girlfriend crept through the door.
She sighed and breathed out sending him tumbling.
Over and over, slipping and stumbling.
Weak and small and unable to fight,
One misplaced foot would extinguish light.
He cried and sobbed and tried to bawl,
At his monstrous victim, so very tall.
He sung like an angel, it wasn't enough.
As she stooped down and gathered him up.
He was embroiled once more in his own sweaty pants.
He took a deep breath and went into a trance.
Remembering how cruelly he'd treated this girl,
And Justice quickly began to unfurl.
He'd beaten her, starved her; she knew who was boss.
He'd used and abused her and didn't give a toss.
But now she was his only hope
And this shrinking business was no joke.
As she dropped him into the washing bin,
Desperation began to kick-in
And when he thought there was no chance
And that he would die wrapped up in his pants,
She squealed as if she'd just seen a mouse.
Vermin, in such a well kept house.
Silence for a single beat...
She collapsed upon the toilet seat.
She thought how angry he would be,
And cried out, "he'll just blame me"!
And in a moment as quick as light,
She leapt forward with all her might.
Not wanting to see a bit of the creature:
Not its nose, nor its tail, not any feature.
She looked determinedly at the clothes
Wherein her boyfriend did repose.
And spinning sweetly on the spot,
She seized the shirt, the pants, the lot
And threw them at the void below
Where only smell and waste should go.
She pressed the lever with all her might.
Her boyfriend pale and halloween-white.
And this is how he was permanently hushed.
Unbeknown to her, he was finally flushed.
A Way of Life
The basement shopping arcade
Is warm tonight
So she goes
Away from the pseudo-parade
The fading light
Sucked down dark stairs.
It’s true, she leads a wretched life,
Collecting cans,
Discarded goods
Amongst the needles and the knives
Her well worn hands
Reach up from gutter-woods
But she does not want pity
Fleeting glimpses
Of gold and riches
Disease spreads through the city:
Business princes
Above the ditches.
The basement shopping arcade
Is warm tonight:
A loving arm
Around her way of life.
There is curious lifeform
That exists between you and me
Sometimes it smiles, sometimes it cries
But usually it giggles and grows
Not always pretty, and never in shape
But the highs beat down the lows
It sometimes speaks in Russian
Though rarely very well
Or drinks coffee in the Baker’s oven
When debts begin to tell
He remembers winter strolls
From the Squire York
Clings on to Ozrics tentacles
And late night silly talks
This wondrous creature has evolved
Between You and me
It smashes heads with vicious pillows
And crouches over a bong
In secret cellars with new delights
Enjoying the right and the wrong
It hides behind the sofa
When the witches come to play
Hanging on to divine comedy
or accents that go astray
Its history lies in smoky nights
And often shooting pool
Or Playing Bach and Hummel
With passion showed at school
This creature is weak and yet is strong
Between you and me
It reaches out a hand of help
When we’re in a darkening hole
Or dragging kids through the walking dead
Watching sunsets that cleanse the soul
Remembers the Christmas robin
Or the circle at Long Meg
Or squealing in the mountain lakes
When fish touch your leg.
This creature is an artist
And works with paintstained hands
It bashes drums and blows on trumpets
It’s never ever bland
This creature is unique and splendid
Between You and Me
Sometimes staring death in the face
Nearly falling off a cliff
Or slipping on the cobbled stones
Growing with each near miss
It runs from mice and vermin
Or dresses like a grape
Sleeps in mouse invested yurts
But it is rarely ever late
There is no creature like it
This lifeform is our own
But it connects us wholly
Even when we’re alone.
I hold the giggle in
as it threatens to burst from the pores in my skin
He stands at the bar, raspberry carnation garnishing
A suit long out of fashion
And me, hoping that underneath a braveheart beats
All caveman and brute force
A source for what we both need.
Candlelit romance, and uncomfortable
Fumbling and frantic footsie whilst
Ordering up the oysters
And pints of blackberry tea
To see if the old wives were right
A natural menstrual cup
Surely enough to get things up
I wake in a sweat and confess
To dreaming of fifty shades of ovulation
then gobbling a tin of pineapple
Before leaping on his tired frame
Then hitting him and the drugs again:
cough syrup, aspirins and more
Switching to sparkling water
Whilst he can keep is impotent cocktails
And Later tugging on his fleshy testes
To cries of pain and strain or glugging
Egg whites under gestapo lights,
Setting an ovulation alarm
Consuming caffeine at a pace
Embracing every yoga place
My face gurning as I reach
my legs right over my head
bed-haunted by trans vaginal ultra-sound
intrauterine insemination, intracytoplasmic sperm injection
With no love or connection
My heart is sucked into a cruel vortex
As I realise that sex is not the only pretext
And that some thief has stolen my right.
Despite my fight, to conceive.
How many years I’ve cast aside
As trees shed their leaves?
Or ambitious words spoken loud
But lost in the breeze?
Searching for some essence
And drifting in this space
Falling down, then running
In some secret race.
How many years will we hate,
The people who we are?
Beating both battle drums
And leaving many scars?
Searching for some meaning
Time is whisked away
For each sunrise that we embrace
Affords more time to play.
Guilt monsters of the past are strong
And we refuse to fight
As they close our eyes and ears
And shut out sound and light
Future hopes are all wrapped up
In golden google dreams
For what was, and what will be
Are only might have beens.
This perfectly captured rapture
Embroidered with finest thread
Besmirched by your self-loathing
Destruction in your head
Waste no more minutes searching
This, I do avow
For all we really have,
is happening to us right now
Huffing and puffing
This once magic dragon;
Should be on the wagon
Not draggin on these cigarettes
This threat, a half time
Hanger on my lifetime
Changing room gags and snags
As you bandage up the grazes
and Bruisesof inefficient spacing
And facing the vicious fact
That the mast of homecoming
Is raised, for lord be praised
Kicking hard and passing
Out as I breathe through a hole in my arse
Can’t start the engine is clogged
Wellies trudging through the bog
A slog to shake off the shackles
Of old age tackles
Sage-like owl, looks tired somehow
With fowl like legs that shake
And tread as if up mountain passes
Too many glasses of pinot noir
Blackened lungs filled with tar
Of incessant ageing
Your team has won and your only son
Scored goal after goal
Before fatigue seized hold
With sapping strength
A tenth of what you are
Or were when you were the star.
Barely audible whistles squeal
As time’s wheel creaks rhymes
Of prog rock songs that were so long
And breathed of life and endless wrong
Of time gone begging
And forever youth
But You cannot stop it or halt it
Impotent to the portents
That float through the gaps
In the essence of time.
A giant hole, black as coal
envelopes your limbs
We trudge wearily outdoors
A plume of innocent smoke
Black as heaven
cascading freely
through a tortured sky
that holds the wails,
the cries of stolen youth.
Crushed in a fist of numb acquiesence.
We grind our teeth
and cease the shaking
with soft prayers
standing on Solomon's legs.
In this outer space where stars
glint echoes of clattering carts and
barking devil dogs
with Nazi teeth
gnashing at David's shield.
Dividing families.
Lions torn from roses
and eaten by the skulls of innocent wolves
We dig our tabernacle
in the Earth:
a communal resting place.
Twisted bodies;
a tangled kabbalah.
It’s dark on the road
The squinting lamps providing scant light
On the familiar stretch
It’s warm in the womb
The echoing drum beat giving comfort
Amniotic wrapping
The rains crying floods
The boggy Earth sucking at his tyres
On the familiar stretch
Head in position
The squirming limbs preparing for birth
Amniotic wrapping
It takes a second
The machine groans, rocks before dancing
On the familiar stretch
It takes a second
The waters break exposing her skin
Amniotic unwrapping
The car pirouettes
A monstrous ballet dancer collide
Grinding metal on metal
The child finds the light
An opera of cries and screaming
Touching skin upon skin
Life and death
The first and last breath
Yet To Be Discovered
Tiny sparks ignite and flicker
In the darker recesses At the back of her eyes
A revolution begins
The dreams won't run
Or hide
No dying embers here
But he doesn't notice.
Her mouth locks tight like a drawbridge.
Reluctantly secure
Regretful abstinence
A puppet refusal
To unleash the Brightness of new visionary worlds
Flag left unfurled
He sees and says nothing.
A dingie blown up by mouth
Life saving, breathing
Never giving in
Inflated, she raises her arm
A battering ram voice
Smashes the walls of refusal
Lightbulb eyes of hope
"I think I know", she says
He doesn't hear her.
The undaunted lioness, now with a scent of blood
Hunting, reaching out with Titanium in the veins
Excalibur rises
Her Arm raised
Be praised
Such bravery it takes
A simple, vital choice
He has to make.
He chooses someone else.
Shrivelled skin like a prune
Returning to some cave of gloom In her head voices speak
Paranoia festers deep and hopeful sparks,
Near put out.
No shout or bawl or scene
Inner melting
Anorexic dreams
The class vacate
the chance remains
Hydrogen of hope explodes
She smiles and waits until the end.
"Bye" he says, head down, laptop bound.
Click clack, click clack
Metronomic boredom
A dull throb
Bashing her vacant soul
An absence of goals
Not even a draw In this paranoia war
Every breath existence
No resistance
Spirit crushed
Zombie looks are ignored
Alchol warped brains
The boss doesn't care
Ping ping, ding ding
Social media, Cupid sting
Her dingy bedroom Gollum's glare from under the stair
Filled with total despair
Her crippled thoughts,
Born from the loins of youth
Seizing her untapped mind
A tungsten cork forced in a hole
No control,
no genie to release
The genius within
She stepped off the chair.
Swish, whoosh. Swish, whoosh
Creaking sounds of strong rope on wood
The rusty swing
To devil's gate
A fateful loneliness
She breathed no more
As she swung behind her bedroom door.
Yet to be discovered.
Beautiful agony
without it there is nothing
No loving
Hoping or wanting
It starts in the gut
But crawls at first
upwards and out
inner screams and shouts
Hopeful despair
In the air
Infecting, dissecting
Each memory
Of them, of her
Then a gulp
A smile for a while
The hope wins out
Silences the shout
A knock at the door.
A crackling fire burns bright and warms your toes.
As winter chill clings to the trees outside.
Seasons joy belies the fear and woes.
Parents hide their money concerns for pride.
Many eat feasts with happiness and joys.
Or rub their tums in hope of Christmas log.
But beggar's beg and babies cry for toys.
The seasonal goodwill is lost in fog.
Christmas carols are ringing loud and proud.
And lights shine bright in many an abode.
Yet cold for those whose voice is not so loud.
When into homeless life they find they're thrown.
So as our friends and fam'ly laugh and love.
Homeless pray for the freedom of the dove.
Ï better not", she said,
sipping her lemsip, dripping
into her bones,
Feeding endless moans
Ï feel under the weather", she said,
"Need my bed"" Cocooning herself in her head
Heart , and soul of lead
Ï just feel tired", she said
Ïn bed by eight". She wipes her brow,
Controls herself somehow
"Don't want to be in a state,
staying up late"" Damn straight...
"Not really my kind of thing",
she said,
nursing her broken wing
ointment on the future sting
To never sing
To give in...
Life through a lemsip.
For the people of Somalia
The man smiled as the rain came down
Catastrophe, calamity clutched his hand
seized it, squeezed it.
The man smiled as the rain came down.
Raiders came, recklessly breathing ruin
Marooned and maligned.
The man smiled as the rain came down.
Hope hurried away, massacred by monsoon
Quickly, and quietly.
The man smiled as the rain came down.
Grey, grief stricken family, flooded the grave
Hungry and hostile.
The man smiled as the rain came down.
Civil war, not civil
The rain came down.